ELAINE: Robert. Yes.. thank you. He has two cats and I'm allergic to them. You know, I finally meet a normal man, and I can't even go into his apartment, you
know. And, of course, my apartment is the actor's studio so we can't go there. It's really causing a lot of problems, you know. He won't even go away fro the
weekend because of these cats.
GEORGE: Guys with cats.. I don't know.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
next funny scene from same Comedian Seinfeld episode
ELAINE: Thank you. What evidence is there that cats are so smart, anyway? Huh? What do they do? Because they're clean? I am sorry. My Uncle Pete showers four times a day and he can't count to ten. So don't give me hygiene.
JERRY: So what are you gonna do?
ELAINE: I don't know. I can't think of any solution, unless of course they should meet with some unfortunate accident. What do you think a hit man would charge to rub out a couple of cats?
JERRY: Well, it couldn't be too expensive. Thirteen, fourteen bucks a cat?
ELAINE: What do you think, Jerry? You wanna make twenty-eight bucks?
JERRY: I'm no cat killer.
ELAINE: How about we go over there right now and we shave them?
JERRY: I'd really like to go, Elaine. But, George is coming back from the hospital. I gotta wait for him. But otherwise I would definitely go.
ELAINE: He actually wen to the hospital?

JERRY: Yeah.
ELAINE: Oh man, he's nuts.
JERRY: Yeah, he's nuts. You wanta bump off a couple of cats. (Enter Kramer, holding a paper) I know, I know. It's down again.
KRAMER: How much are you down altogether?
JERRY: I don't know.. fifteen hundred dollars.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
and final funny cats scene
(Elaine sneezes)
JERRY: Is taht still from the cats?
ELAINE: No, I just have a cold.
JERRY: So, what ever happened with that?
ELAINE: I gave him an ultimatum. (Shrugs)
GEORGE: He chose the cats?
ELAINE: They're very clean animals.
JERRY: I gotta say, that's pretty funny. Losing out to a cat.
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